Pasta Making is an integral part of Italy’s vast culinary cultural heritage. Rome for jews pasta classes have more than 9 different options of the art of pasta making. The Chefs are working pasta specialists (called ‘sfogline’, the traditional term of endearment for women who make homemade pasta from scratch) and can teach you how to make many different types of fresh pastas straight from the very beginning (with and without eggs) and with many different ingredients in the pasta dough and actual shapes of pasta.
You will explore three – four different pasta sauces, plus master fundamental skills: prepping, dicing and sautéeing an array of fresh vegetables from local farmers.
You will learn the fundamentals of Italian Cooking: the “soffritto”, and especially the importance of using extra virgin, cold pressed 100% ITALIAN OLIVE OIL and how to sautée the vegetables.
…. and much more!
Classes fill up very quickly, please make sure to reserve in advance.
Please note that the preferred method of contact is via email.
Please be aware that the phone is off during tours, the Sabbath and other Jewish holy days.